i have been more or less influenced by art history as someone who makes art, and specifically prefers new media, and i think this project might have brought the two together, i don't really know
well here are some pictures and links to some things that have to do with McLuhan and Nietzsche,
i really suck at philosophy and interpreting it, but i think Nietzsche's still pretty cool,
so yeah here are some things i think that are pertinent to their common thoughts.
they're both pretty into being super experiential,
so with the whole "God is dead", the "Newtonian Universe is dead" sort of a thing, Nietzsche's urging us to stop listening to dogma; through McLuhan's eyes, he's telling us to stop sticking to one medium and explore all different kinds, because you never know where you go when you start to diverge (where modern science has taken us today)
so basically just try and experiment because the possibilites are endless (the divergence from Christianity/religion has been incredible)
Marilyn Monroe, Warhol
Performance art on gender roles
Ryoji Ikeda - The Radar
i suck at interpreting philosophical thoughts/arguments too. i haven't heard your presentation yet, but i really hope you do attempt to interpret and explain Nietzsche's philosophical ideas and how they pertain to McLuhan's notions of time and space