Tuesday, March 28, 2017

arena of exchange proposal

The “inter-human” game (8) that I am interested in performing and documenting involves videotaping my experience as a board member, back-stage coordinator (my main position) and participant helping to run a huge annual theatrical production – Cabaret; so these upcoming two weeks, up until the end of the final performance on April 9. The “forms”(7) and their subsequent “textures” (9) that will take part in this ‘arena of exchange’ include my interactions with fellow board members, my co-back stage coordinator, volunteers, participants, and audience members. This work will showcase a cohesive reflection of myself and spectacle of my experience, or a “transitive ethic” (9-10) as Bourriard calls it. My goal is to do it inconspicuously so that certain and true social meanings can be derived from these real and unstaged encounters.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


i thought preparing for the gallery show was a good experience, considering i'd never done it before.
i'd been vying for an exhibition installation internship last year, didn't get it lol
but yeah i thought it was pretty cool, there's a lot of work involved even when you think it's not gonna be too much i think, it all depends on what you want the final product to look like, including how many people you have helping you
it's really cool how it was a team effort, having certain people doing the more hands-on, nailing into the walls and others writing stuff up on a document to be printed
i've read so many curatorial statements, i hoped the one i wrote was decent
they're usually very insightful, and a lot of people skim over them so they can view the actual artworks, but they're pretty important still
i used to want to do this for a career, like install exhibitions, work behind the scenes in them
and yeah i guess i still could, i don't know
i think it'd be reallllyyyy cool to install interactive art works
watching these very technologically-based works come to life
yeah, maybe this summer or not