1.) Malcom's decorate me with chocolate syrup and other sugary sundae liquids
2.) Madeira's hot cocoa

3.) Noah's talking about his cereal and eating habits while eating a bowl of it
4.) Sara's taking medications
5.) Hannah's crocheting
i thought it might be cool to do something easter themed
i originally was just gonna have everyone eat the candy
(including me) and we could all hear (not listen)
but then then you realize what time and day it is and
everyone’s wearing sunday dresses
if I had longer time I probably would’ve hidden them more
thoroughly within the studio => more collaboration
i wasn’t really sure when to end it, which is why i wanted
others to go before me
I think maybe I should’ve waited a little bit after after
all the eggs had been opened, instead of ending it as soon as they were
but then it gets awkward with everyone waiting for something
else to happen and youre standing there with a sign and your glasses are
slipping off your nose and all of these cameras are pointed at you
I thought it was really interesting that we acted as
I think it made a huge difference that we were part of the
interactive pieces and taking pictures/filming at the same time
I think we would’ve interacted more with the pieces if we weren’t
supposed to be documenting because we wouldn’t have been so focused on doing it
Yeah we were kind of constrained by our devices
Because even when you film/photograph a live event, you
still want to look above and away and take in (drink in) the performance
I guess it’s a bit voyeuristic
I really loved your performance, I was so sad that my phone ran out of space in the middle of filming it! I love that you were able to make something participatory and thought provoking while still having it be lighthearted and fun.